What are the hours of work?
After a lot of the previously Classified became Declassified, revealing that President Clinton (42), not President Bush (43), Caused the War At Iraq, the 9/11 2001 Attacks, Afghanistan, etc., President Obama attempted to have everything his Political Appointees Declassified reclassified as Classified. Too late everything was permanently on the Internet by 2010 (previously paper documents, files, records, etc. scanned into computers, then posted on the internet (Computer Servers at Foreign Nations, outside the jurisdiction of the US of President Obama's Monitoring and Censorship of All US Communications, just like Private Manning's Downloadable Wikileaks)). President Obama to avoid embarassment of his Administration then has everything and anything Classified after 2009 (again too late, as everything prior to 2009 points to what President Obama as Commander In Chief later Ordered, previously President Obama Political Appointees Declassified US Classified Operations, Strategies, Tactics, Methods, Locations of US Special Operations Units, Capabilities, etc. becoming under the 24/7/365 constant surveillance of International Investigative Reporters and Journalists).